Hermann at Aesthetica Short Film Festival
Hermann will be screened as part of the Aesthetica Short Film Festival from the 3rd-6th November. It is an exciting new Short Film Festival and will take place in the historic city of York in 14 venues across the city with opportunities for master classes, workshops, Q&A sessions with filmmakers, evening screenings and VJs. Definitely one to put in the diary!
3. Oktober 2011
Hermann wins Audience Award
Another reason to celebrate! Last week, Hermann won the Audience Award at the Rushes Soho Shorts Festival in London. Hermann was also one of the 3 Finalists for the Jury Award in the Long Form Category.
12. August 2011
Hermann at the Rushes Soho Shorts Festival
Hermann has been selected as part of the official competition at the Rushes Soho Shorts Festival in London.
The film will be screened as part of the Long Form Category on the 22nd and 27th July at 18:15 at the ICA.
Tickets can be booked on the ICA Website.
I look forward to seeing you there!
1. Juli 2011
Cannes & Festivals
'Hermann' ist Teil vom Short Film Corner des diesjaehrigen Film Festivals in Cannes und kann dort vom 11. - 21.05 gesichtet werden.
Auch laeuft 'Hermann' auf dem Mumbai International Queer Film Festival am Freitag den 27. Mai um 6:30 im Alliance Francaise de Bombay.
Noch steht der Vorfuehrtermin nicht fest, aber 'Hermann' wird auch am 9. In the Palace Short Film Festival in Bulgarien zu sehen sein.
6. Mai 2011
Hermann im Casablanca Kino Nürnberg
'Hermann' wird im Rahmen vom "max kurz präsentiert: Das Beste aus Hof" Programm am 18. Februar im Casablanca Kino Nürnberg gezeigt. Das Program besteht aus folgenden 7 Filmen, die alle schon auf mehreren Internationalen Festivals präsentiert wurden.
A Lost and Found Box of Human Sensation
Alle weiteren Informationen und Karten erhältlich unter:
9. Februar 2011
'Hermann' European premiere at the Hofer Filmtage 2010
'Hermann' will be screened as part of the official selection
of the Hofer Filmtage 2010. The short will be screened four times throughout the festival from 26. - 31. October at following times:
Wednesday 27th October at 5pm in 'Cinema'
Thursday 28th October at 7pm in 'Regina'
Saturday 30th October at 5:15pm in 'Casino'
Sunday 31st October at 12:15 in 'Club'
For the full program and other Festival information visit the Hofer Filmtage Website.
25. Oktober 2010
'Hermann' wins at Palm Springs Shortfest 2010
'Hermann' won the Jury Category Award 'Best Live Action Short over 15 minutes' at the Palm Springs International ShortFest 2010. Hana travelled to Palm Springs for the World Premier of 'Hermann' on the 27th June and was there to accept the award at the Closing Ceremony on Sunday the 28th June.
This prestigious award qualifies 'Hermann' to be entered for Academy Award consideration. For more information, photos and news of the Festival go to the Palm Springs Website.
24. Oktober 2010